2013/1 Cover

114de JAARGANG (2013) Nr. 1 Artikels Liselotte Sels, “Muzik ruhun gidasi | Muziek is voedsel voor de ziel” 1 Etnografisch onderzoek naar het gebruik en de functies van Turkse volksmuziek in Gent Korrie Melis en Floor Groefsema, Dansen voor de regio. 25 Community organization op het Noord-Groningse platteland in de jaren 1960 en 1970 Sporen Stefaan Top, Nogmaals bedankt, Jan! …

2012/3 Cover

113de JAARGANG (2012) Nr.3 Inleiding Jan Bleyen, Leen Beyers, Chris De Lauwer, De dood en de dingen 257 Artikels Irene Stengs, Gedenken op de plek des onheils. Bermmonumenten 263 als materiële uitdrukking van veranderende rouwcultuur Davy Herremans en Wim De Clercq, De herinnering blijft. 283 Memoria en materiële cultuur in de monastieke ruimte van Clairefontaine (B) Josephine Hoegaerts, “Op ’t …

2012/2 Cover

113de JAARGANG (2012) Nr. 2 Artikels Willem Scheire, Geschiedschrijving van het evidente. 129 Het verhaal van de koelkast Pieter Vestraete, Naar een fluïde benadering van dovencultuur 152 en dovengeschiedenis- Enkele reflecties over de rol van sportorganisaties voor doven in het ontstaan van een dovencultuur in Belgïe Dossier ‘nieuwe’ Volkskunde Leen Engelen, Erfgoed, efemera en memorabilia- Dc marge of het centrum? …

2012/1 Cover

113de JAARGANG (2012) Nr. 1 Inhoud Redactie, De nieuwe Volkskunde 1 Stefaan Top, Ruim een eeuw VOLKSKUNDE (1888-2011) 5 Peter Jan Margry, Volkskunde in verandering. 13 Reflecties bij een disciplinaire status quo Artikels Evert Vandeweghe, Feesten van nostalgie en vooruitgang: 20 de representatie van het stedelijke landschap in Vlaamse provinciesteden 1837-1958 Hans Piena, Snoeien aan de wortels van de Nederlandse …

2020/4 Summaries

Een duurzame toekomst voor de Friese folklore Anne-Baukje Coster, Maaike de Jong, Alexander Grit & Sander Vroom Dit artikel verkent de kansen en uitdagingen waarmee immaterieelerfgoedgemeenschappen in Friesland te maken hebben als het gaat over cultuurtoerisme en het versterken van steden en regio’s. De relevantie van dit kwalitatieve onderzoek ligt in het verkennen van strategieën teneinde duurzaam toerisme, als een …

2020/3 Summaries

SUMMARIES Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage and Museums A Crossing of Several Projects and Trajectories Marc Jacobs, Jorijn Neyrinck and Evdokia Tsakiridis In this concise institutional introduction text, guest editors Jorijn Neyrinck, Evdokia Tsakiridis and Marc Jacobs contextualise the publication of the special issue of the journal Volkskunde on Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage and Museums as a scholarly result of cooperation …

2020/2 Summaries

Ilaria Rosetti, Marc Jacobs & Anna Pereira Roders Erfgoed en duurzaamheid. Een literatuuronderzoek en reflectie over de rol van participatieve erfgoedpraktijken in duurzame ontwikkelin Summary: Heritage and Sustainability A review of recent literature and a reflection on the role of participatory heritage practices in sustainable development Heritage & Sustainability is an emerging multidisciplinary field. In the last decade, many studies …

2020/1 Summaries

Nele Wynants, Wetenschap op de kermis. De verspreiding van technologie, kennis en spektakel in Belgische provinciesteden tijdens het fin-de-siècle Summary: This article will discuss the role of itinerant show people in the popularization of science and technology in the history of the Belgian fairground. Through a number of case studies at the fair in Ghent of 1892, I will demonstrate …

2019/3 Summaries

Francesca Blockeel: Portugal en zijn kolonies. Dekolonisering en teruggave van kunst Summary: Portugal and Its Colonies. Decolonisation and Restitution of Art In the sixteenth century Portugal was one of the great powers and, with Spain, a precursor in colonizing areas in Asia, America and Africa. Its imperium covers 500 years and it controlled colonies that now are situated in 53 different …

2019/2 Summaries

WENDY WAUTERS Het uitkoken van de narheid en zijn verwantschap met de geneeskunst en de alchemistische beeldtaal Summary: The Vaporisation of Folly and its similarity with early modern medicine and alchemical discourse The Vaporisation of Folly [‘Het uitkoken van de narheid’] fits within a framework of early modern evocations of the healing and makeability of men who are overcome by temporal …

2019/1 Summaries

PAUL JANSSENSWILLEN, WIL MEEUS, ELS VINCKX, SILKE LEENEN Erfgoed toegankelijk maken voor een divers publiek. Multiperspectief in het erfgoedonderwijs Making heritage accessible to a diverse audience Multiperspectivity in heritage education This article presents an instrument for the screening of programme sets for heritage education putting the focus on multiperspectivity. It contributes to the need of a sustainable cooperation between formal …

2018/3 Summaries

LOÏC BIENASSIS La place et les usages du culinaire De plaats van en vertogen over culinaire cultuur in de regionalistische Franse tijdschriften van de Belle Epoque (einde 19de- begin 20ste eeuw) In welke mate heeft de regionalistische beweging in Frankrijk begin twintigste eeuw bijgedragen aan de ‘territorialisaton’ van verschillende gerechten en producten, of anders uitgedrukt, aan de totstandkoming van streekspecialiteiten? …

2018/2 Summaries

LIESBETH GEUSSENS, Onroerende goederen – Emotionaliteit en betekenisgeving in -estamenten van Leuvense mannen en vrouwen, 1770-1780 Emotional goods Sensitivity and signification intestaments of Louvain men and women,1770-1780 Historians studying emotions have recently been using last wills to research the emotional implications of material culture and social networks. In this regard, this article tries to show in what way and to …

2018/1 Summaries

Thijs and the study of devo¬tional prints The late professor Alfons Thijs was an expert in the field of devotional prints from Antwerp (17th-19th Cen¬turies). After his death the university library of Antwerp acquired more than 1.000 prints, related to the city. The library made its ‘Thijs Collec¬tion’ available on line http://anet.be/ opac/opacuactobj. The first part of this article stresses …

2017/3 Summaries

Fantastical Stories in Plural: or, The Reach of Giants Historical narrative research is increasingly facilitated by internet sources, especially in the Netherlands where a service like Delpher (a combination of “delver” = miner, and “Delphi” = the oracle) provides access to millions of pages from historical newspapers, journals and books; the latter also includes the dbnl (digital library for Dutch …

2017/2 Summaries

“The White Wrap Speaks For Itself” Dynamics and Prescriptive Order in the Traditional Dress of Staphorst, c. 1950-2017 It is not for the first time that the people of the village of Staphorst in The Netherlands make out the subject of an article in Volkskunde. In 2017 a substantial but slowly diminishing number of women still wears the lo¬cal traditional …

2017/1 Summaries

Between taboo and tolerance 30 years of AIDS commemoration in the Netherlands The article deals with the commemoration of AIDS during the last three decades in the Netherlands. It focuses on AIDS Memorial Quilts and the rituals related to them. The quilts were made to fight intolerance against AIDS and homosexuality and to shape a commemoration community. The successful control …

2016/3 Summaries

K. DE GRAEVE, Adoptiefeesten, cultuur, liefdadigheid en gemeenschapsvorming bij Vlaams-Ethische adoptiegezinnen Summary: Adoption feast  Culture, Charity and Community Building in Flemish-Ethiopian Adoptive Families Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork and interviews, this article analyses festive gatherings of Flemish parents with children adopted from Ethiopia as sites for community building, charity work and culture work. On the one hand, it reads the festive gatherings …

2016/2 Summaries

AD DE JONG, Museale passie en Europees idealisme – De jonge jaren van het Verbond van Europese Openluchtmusea 1966-1972 Summary: A Passion for Museums and for Europe – The early years of the Association of European Open-Air Museums (1966–1972) Anyone who frequently attends the conferences of the Association of European Open-Air Museums (AEOM) will eventually begin to wonder how this …

2016/1 Summaries

KARLA VANRAEPENBUSCH en ANNE-MIE HAVERMANS, Omgaan met het erfgoed van de vijand – Duitse WO1-monumenten op stedelijke begraafplaatsen in bezet België Summary: Dealing with the heritage of the enemy – German First World War monuments on city cemeteries in occupied Belgium During the First World War the Germans commemorated their fallen soldiers with monuments in the communal cemeteries in the …

2015/3 Summaries

JURIJN NEYRINCK, Van Onvoltooid Verleden naar Onvoltooide Toekomstige Tijden – Omgaan met immaterieel cultureel erfgoed en diversiteit in een wereld van verandering Summary: From Past Continuous to Continuous Future Tenses Dealing with Intangible Cultural Heritage and Diversity in a Changing World The introductory essay to this theme issue of Volkskunde on intangible cultural heritage (ICH) and diversity, provides a brief …

2015/2 Summaries

B. DENIS, Home, sweet home?! Publiek en privaat onder de loep in negentiende-eeuws Antwerpen (1880) Summary: Home, sweet Home?! The Public and Private Element in Domestic Culture (Antwerp, 1880) Contrary to the strong Anglo-Saxon tradition that predominantly draws on normative sources to study the middle class home and domestic culture, the focus is here on a broader socio-professional group. Based …

2015/1 Summaries

K. DE LEEUW, Hoebloot (niet) bedekt werd Summary:Roman catholic Repression of immoral Ways of Clothing (Tilburg, 1914-1970) In 1914 Pius X and the Roman Catholic Church launched an attack against modern women’s indecent clothing: short sleeves and skirts, low necklines, trousers, transparent or fleshcolored fabrics, etc. Modern fashion was considered to lead to improper sexual relations, to handicap a mother’s …

2014/4 Summaries

ISIS STURTEWAGEN, “Alle tsamen zo hebbelicken ghecleet”. Kinderkleding en dagelijks leven in de Brugse Bogardenschool rond het midden van de 16e eeuw. Summary: “All together respectably dressed” Children’s Dress and Daily Life at the Bruges Begard School in the mid-16th Century Both Zegher van Male’s (1514-1604) memorial of the Bruges Beghard school, a charitable institution that took care of young …

2014/3 Summaries

M. JACOBS Culturele makelaardij, omgaan met grenzen en het nieuwe paradigma van het borgen van immaterieel cultureel erfgoed. Volkskunde, UNESCO en transdisciplinaire perspectieven In dit artikel wordt de vraag gesteld welke onderdelen uit het repertoire van de al dan niet “toegepaste” of “publieke vormen” van volkskunde uit de vorige eeuw actief kunnen aangewend worden in het nieuwe, 21ste-eeuwse paradigma van …

2014/2 Summaries

V. VANRUYSSEVELDT Tussen niche en overlevingsstrategie? Rondtrekkende artiesten in het hertogdom Brabant in de tweede helft van de achttiende eeuw Summary: Itinerant entertainers in Brabant (1766-1775)  Itinerant entertainers (musicians, singers, puppet players, bear dancers and other artists) used to play an important role in popular culture in preindustrial Europe. Negative connotations about these people have prevailed in modern historiography while …

2014/1 Summaries

T. HENS, S. VANDEN BORRE en K. WILS De oorlog maakt school – Herinneringspraktijken in het Belgische onderwijs na de Eerste Wereldoorlog Summary: Patriotism kindled in Belgian schools after the Great War Immediately after the First World War the propagation of a unified and patriotic war narrative was an important issue for the Belgian Government in primary as well as …

2013/3 Summaries

A. VANNESTE De Belgisch-Nederlandse grens onder spanning Summary: The 2.000-volt Belgian-Dutch frontier (1915-1918) The German Army built a three-wired entanglement in order to cut off occupied Belgium from The (free) Netherlands. The wire, as it was called, was impressive (more than 350 km long, from the Belgian coastline in Knokke up to little short of Aachen) and it was deadly …

2013/2 Summaries

  A.M. VAN DER WAL Een pijnlijk verleden, een onzekere toekomst – Levend erfgoed van het slavernijverleden in postapartheid Zuid-Afrika Summary: A painful past, an uncertain future Living heritage of slavery in post­apartheid South Africa The year 2013 marks not only the 150th anniversary of the abolition of slavery in the Kingdom of the Netherlands, but also the 10th anniversary …

2013/1 Summaries

D. CALLEWAERT Schriftelijke transcommunicatie: over hemelbrieven en tekstamuletten Summary: Transcommunication in writing: the heavenly letter In revealed religions transcendental communication by means of a heavenly letter used to be a marginal modus operandi. A letter from heaven is quite distinct from the (well-known) votum scriptum which the faithful commonly send to heaven. An apocryphal Sunday Epistle fell from heaven in …

2012/3 Summaries

D. HERREMANS, W. DE CLERCQ De herinnering blijft. Memoria en materiële cultuur in de monastieke ruimte van Clairefontaine (B) Summary: A place to remember. Memoria, material culture and monastic space in the Cistercian nunnery of Clairefontaine (B) The Cistercian nunnery of Clairefon­taine was founded in the 13th century by the Counts of Luxembourg. During the 13th and the 14th century …

2012/2 Summaries

W. SCHEIRE Geschiedschrijving van het evidente. Het verhaal van de koelkast Summary: A history of the evident: the Story of the Refrigerator Nowadays a refrigerator figures as an unspectacular and banal dimension in everyday life. In fact, it has been taken for granted by most of us. But since it was introduced in the last century it has affected (post-war) …

2012/1 Summaries

E. VANDEWEGHE Feesten van nostalgie en vooruitgang: de representatie van het stedelijke landschap in Vlaamse provinciesteden 1837-1958 Staging urban history: Festivities and the creation of historical townscapes in Belgium (1860-1958) Parades were an intrinsic part of ur­ban life in Belgium between the mid­dle of the nineteenth and twentieth century. Scholars have used these fes­tivities time and again to probe into …

2011/4 Summaries

A.K.L. THIJS Het liedeken vande joffrouw van Brugge en haar catteken: lachen om de sentimentalisering van de omgang met een eigenwillig huisdier Ridiculing too sentimental a relation with pets: the song about a young lady of Bruges and her beautifid but headstrong small cat These days the cultural-historical interest in the man-animal relation hos grown con­siderably. Yet in Flanders this …

2011/3 Summaries

J. TAELS Over humor, levenskunst en tragiek On Humour, Art of Life, and the Tragic In his philosophical approach J. Taels attempts to elucidate two central meanings of humour: humour as the synonym of the comic, and humour as an art of life. In the first section he discusses several central aspects of humour in the broad sense, which relates …

2011/3 Summaries

J. TAELS Over humor, levenskunst en tragiek On Humour, Art of Life, and the Tragic In his philosophical approach J. Taels attempts to elucidate two central meanings of humour: humour as the synonym of the comic, and humour as an art of life. In the first section he discusses several central aspects of humour in the broad sense, which relates …

2011/2 Summaries

    D. CALLEWAERT De subjectieve en collectieve tijdservaring vanuit een volkskundig perspectief The individual and collective experience of time: an ethnological analysis Personifications, attributes, images and expressions render the concept time less abstract. Indications of time are not always mathematical data because in a special context they too often have an emotional value (e.g. nine eleven, 31st of october …

2011/1 Summaries

A.K.L. THIJS Vera Effigies? Vindingrijke omgang met drukvormen: productiekosten reducerende beeldmanipulatie bij bedevaartprenten Vera Ogies? Creative engraving leads to cast reduction as well as to unauthentic imagery at holy pilgrimage sites In the preindustrial era image manipulation enabled publishers to cut production costs by reusing printing blocks, even in a quite different context. They sometimes altered the image a litde …

2010/4 Summaries

D. CALLEWAERT en M. VAN DEN BERG Volkskundige aspecten van meer dan honderd jaar conscripties en loting (1798-1909) Customs in Flanders Regarding Conscription and Substitution (1798-1909) The French revolutionaries introduced – in France as well as in the occupied terri­tories – a compulsory military service for all young men, regardless of their social class (Law Jourdan, 1798). The adequate number …

2010/3 Summaries

N. BOERMA De 17de-eeuwse Nederlandse kinderprent Summary: The Dutch children’s print of the seventeenth century: comic strip or only a precursor? At the exhibition in Venlo Suske and Wiske the story tellers fl& of phantasy is exposed a print the Life of Klaas and Griet. Klaas is a softie, who is beaten by his wife Griet, who really is a …

2010/2 Summaries

A.K.L. THIJS Verzamelaars en producenten van bedevaartvaantjes (1853-1970). Emotionele omgang met traditioneel religieus erfgoed Summary: Collectors and makers of pilgrimage pennants (1853-1970). An emotional approach to a traditional religious legacy This contribution verifies which meanings have been attributed by historians and folklorists to the medium of pilgrimage pennants and how collectors have tried to influence the production, shaping and distribution …

2010/1 Summaries

.S. TOP De Hellejongen. Een Vlaamse duivelssage als casus The Hell Boy: A Flemish Devil Legend as Case Study Concerning Literacy versus Orality With his epic poem ‘Legend of the Hell Boy’ (1883), the common practitioner Karel de Gheldere (1839-1913) has witten the following fascinating story. An angry step-mother hates her lazy son and wants her husband to hire him …

2009/3-4 Summaries

A. VAN DER ZEIJDEN De actualiteit van tradities en het jaar van de tradities: een inleiding Summary: Traditions have again become current topics: an introduction The Dutch Year of Traditions is a nice occasion to explore the theme of traditions. Traditions are in. Marketing experts say that it has to do with the fact that we live in a retrospective …

2009/2 Summaries

A.K.L. THIJS Den Lustelijcken Mey. Het incipit van een populair lied gerecycleerd tot titel van een devotieboekje door Paulus Fabri (Brussel, 1600) Summary: “Den Lustelijcken Mey“, an ambiguous incipit of a popular devotional booklet “Den Lustelijcken Mey” is the opening line of two quite different songs, a religious and a romantic one. Paulus Fabri, a priest, remarkably chose this ambiguous …

2009/1 Summaries

A.K.L. THIJS Een onbescheiden blik in de portefeuille van de Volkskunde-redacteur: Victor de Meyere (1873-1938) bespied met het bricoleren met kopij Summary: An indiscreet look onto the portfolio of a Volkskunde editor: watching Victor de Meyere (1873-1938) tinkering with a copy. Unedited copy of Victor de Meyere’s portfolio for volume 1938 of the Volkskunde magazine Recently, a printing ready copy …

2008/3-4 Summaries

A. DHOEST Eén Vlaanderen? Culturele diversiteit op en voor het televisiescherm. Summary: One Flanders? Cultural diversity on and in front of the television screen This article asks two questions; how does Flemish television represent the modern multicultural society in fictional programs and how do autochthon and immigrant viewers feel towards it? A short overview of the current Flemish fictional offer …

2008/2 Summaries

A.K.L. THIJS La Germanistique mène à tout…”. Frans M. Olbrechts (1899 – 1958). In het wereldje van volkskundigen en etnologen Summary: Frans M. Olbrechts (1899-1958) in the small World of folklorists and ethnologists Frans Olbrechts started his career as a folklorist with a thorough study of Flemish incantations. But he is best-known as an expert of African art and American …

2008/1 Summaries

A. VRINTS De codes van de kroeg. Het openbaar lokaal tussen orde en wanorde in Antwerpen (1910-1950) Summary: Codes of the pub. The public room between order and chaos in Antwerp (1910-1950) Since the elite stopped visiting the pub in the early modern era, they started considering pubs and drinking to be a source of ‘chaos’ in all kinds of …

2007/4 Summaries

A.K.L. THIJS Drukvormen voor mannekensbladen van Brepols & Dierckx Zoon (Turnhou): Een gebruikstraject van volkscultureel erfgoed gereconstrueerd Summary: Printing forms for folk- and children prints by Brepols & Dierckx Son (Turnhout): A reconstruction of the multi-purpose of popular culture heritage The story of the wooden printing forms that the popular expert Emile van Heurck bought from the rinting-publishing house Brepols …

2007/3 Summaries

D. CALLEWAERT Het boze oog Summary: The Evil Eye From times immemorial many people from all over the world have been convinced that a special, (un)intentional, frontal eye contact of a person or animal can harm people, live stock, goods and chattels. This belief has remained intact because of news items, stories for young and old, computer games and comics, …