2007/2 Summaries

A.K.L. THIJS Lyn de melkboerin en de Brabantse omwenteling (1789). Context en bron van een Antwerps Liedfragment Summary: Lyn the Milk farmer’s wife and the Brabant Revolution (1789). Context and source of an Antwerp song fragment In 1860, an orally handed down song fragment was published in which Lyn the Milk farmer’s wife ‘a bronze statue that adorned a pump …

2007/1 Summaries

A.K.L. THIJS Naar een tweetalig volkskundig tijdschrift? Emile van Heurck (1871-1931) en de heroprichting van Volkskunde na de eerste wereldoorlog Summary: On to a popular bilingual magazine? Emile Van Heurck (1871-1931) and the re-establishment of Volkskunde after WO I. In 1919, Eugène de Bock of the publishing house De Sikkel tried to start again with the magazine Volkskunde (of which …

2006/4 Summaries

P. SCHOLLIERS Voedingsonderzoek over de 19de en 20ste eeuw in België, Nederland en Europa Summary: Research into the eating habits in the 19th and 20th century in Belgium, the Netherlands and Europe. This essay situates the Dutch and Flemish research into the eating culture in 19e and 20e century Europe. The emphasis lies on the historiographic developments since 1980. The …

2006/3 Summaries

K. CAMPS Speelgoed in meisjeshanden Summary: Toys in Girls’ Hands “The difference between boys and girls defines the way they play, not the actual objects they are playing with.” This statement of Marianne De Valck dates from 1996. Opinions on boys- and girls’ play weren’t always that broad-minded. Toys, as a mirror of society, display a magnificent image of the …

2006/2 Summaries

B. DESEURE Questie en Afdronk: sociale codes in het openbare lokaal op het Noord- Brabantse platteland in de nieuwe tijd Summary: Questie en Afdronk: Social codes at the public space in the North-Brabant countryside during the  New Time Based on process files, this article gives a view on the social interaction at inns in the North-Brabant countryside.  At the centre …

2006/1 Summaries

B. DESEURE Questie en Afdronk: sociale codes in het openbare lokaal op het Noord- Brabantse platteland in de nieuwe tijd Summary: Questie en Afdronk: Social codes at the public space in the North-Brabant countryside during the  New Time Based on process files, this article gives a view on the social interaction at inns in the North-Brabant countryside.  At the centre …

2005/4 Summaries

A.K.L. THIJS Een lied in zijn functionele context herplaatst: “De dood te gast genood” Summary: A song replaced in its functional context A West-Flemish manuscript dated around 1757 holds a version of the popular song about a dead who’s invited to a feast (Aarne – Thompson 470 A: The Offended Skull). The composition of the volume (religious songs, prayers and …

2005/3 Summaries

D. BILTEREYST en R. VANDE WINKEL De sportfilms van Flandria Film als verspreiders van ‘banaal’ Vlaams-Nationalisme en wielerflamingantisme (1930-1940) Summary: “Flandriens“, film and popular culture ‘Flandriens’ is the French name for the best of Flemish cyclists. The sports films of Flandria Films aim at the  dissemination of ’trite’ Flemish nationalism and cycle flamingantism (1930-1940). In this article we focus on …

2005/1-2 Summaries

G. DE MEYER De studie van populaire cultuur en van volkscultuur Summary: The study popular culture and folk culture In this article we outline the traditional position, however under discussion, of the study matter of folklore and popular culture. It is arguable that in both fields of study quite often the same discourse is being used, namely as  far as …

2004/4 Summaries

A. VAN DER ZEIJDEN Traditie en Folklore: pleidooi voor een herwaardering en een nieuw leven van twee oude begrippen Summary: Tradition and folklore. A plea for a revaluation and a new life of two old concepts Tradition and folklore are concepts preferably avoided by serious scientists. These concepts are too much emotionally charged with the old prejudices about the supposed …

2004/3 Summaries

C. DE STAELEN Een venster op de materiële leefwereld van Elisabeth Moretus Summary: A view on the material culture of Elisabeth Moretus Based upon an inventory the material culture in the house ‘De Grote Lynde’ is explained and explored. The description is complemented by a housekeeping journal written by the occupant, Elisabeth Moretus in the years 1664-1675. Both documents evoke …

2004/2 Summaries

A.K.L. THIJS Recreatie, educatie, devotie en informatie: functies van populaire lectuur (17de – 19de eeuw) Summary: Entertainment, education, devotion, and information: function of popular reading matter (17th – 19th centuries) Popular reading matter was the favourite reading material of ordinary people. Wether or not an author or an editor with his publication aimed at ‘popular’ readers, can often be derived …

2004/1 Summaries

E. ROBAERT Zestiende-eeuwse bedevaarttekens en legpenningen in enkele Brusselse en Brabantse kerken: Jan Noë de vaantjesmaker van Halle Summary: 16th century pilgrims tokens and medals in some Brussels and Brabant  churches. Jan Noë, the flag producer from Hale (a town in Brabant). Pilgrims’ tokens and medals were large-scale productions, sold by specialised stallholders and other 16th century salesmen. Jan Noë …

2003/4 Summaries

A. ROECK, Prof. dr. K.C. Peeters Summary: Prof. dr. K.C. Peeters In this article, A. Roeck explains how he became K.C. Peeters’ first student to write, under his guidance, the dissertation that led to his Master’s Degree. The subject was the collection and study of oral legends. Peeters insisted on using new working-methods. After his graduation K.C. Peeters asked Roeck …

2003/3 Summaries

M.M.A.C. LANGENHUIJSEN Votiefgeschenken: epidemiologie avant la lettre Summery: Votive offerings: epidemiology before the term existed Based on a study of literature concerned and on observations of the authorhimself, data have been gathered of 55,327 votive offerings representing parts of the body and human images. All these were or still are present in places off pilgrimage in America and Europe and …

2003/2 Summaries

A. VAN DER ZEIJDEN Volkscultuur in een nieuwe jas Summary: Popular culture gets a face-lift The collection “Alledaags is niet gewoon. Reflecties over volkscultuur en samenleven” (Plain things are uncommon. Reflections on popular culture and society) brought out in 2002 and edited by the “Koning Boudewijnstichting” (Foundation King Boudewijn) gives a good view on current trends of popular culture pursuing …

2003/1 Summaries

A.K.L. THIJS Toe-eigening van volkskundige verschijnselen: enkele voorbeelden uit de historiografie van de volkskunde in Vlaanderen (circa 1880-1930) Summary: “Appropriation” and its usefulness in folklore In this contribution the author checks the usefulness of the concept “appropriation” (in Dutch: toe-eigening) as defined by Frijhoff in 1997. Appropriation is the attribution of a meaning (personal and group-linked interpretation) to cultural phenomena …

2002/4 Summaries

A. DHOEST Weeral Bokrijk!’ Het ‘Folkloristische’ beeld van Vlaanderen in historische TV-fictie Summary : “Bokrijk again!” The ‘folkloristic’ image of Flanders in historical television fiction. Historical serials were the most important fiction genre in Flemish television in the tume when the public broadcasting system had exclusive rights. For the most part these serials showed a rather folkloristic picture of Flanders …

2002/3 Summaries

A.K.L. THIJS Zakelijke inhoud van het persoonlijke dossier van Max Elskamp betreffende het Antwerpse “Museum voor Foklore”, het allereerste volkskundemuseum in Vlaanderen (1907) Summary : Looking into Max Elskamp’s private letters and documents concerning the Antwerp “Museum voor  Folklore”, the very first museum of foklore in Flanders (1907) In 2001 the “Vrienden van het Volkskundemuseum van Antwerpen” (Friends of the …

2002/2 Summaries

A. VAN DER ZEIJDEN Vrouwen in de volkskunde ten tijde van het Interbellum: de factor gender in de wetenschapsbeoefening Summary: Women folklorists in the interbellum period : the factor “gender” in practising science Men completely set the sence in recent surveys of the history of folklore in The Netherlands and in Flanders. Is this conclusion in line with reality, or …

2002/1 Summaries

E. ROOBAERT Jeruzalemvaarders, rederijkers en schilders en de Palmzondagsprocessie te Brussel in de 16e eeuw Summary : Jerusalem Knights, rhetoricians, painters and Palm Sunday Procession In Brussels in the 16th century On the basis of unknown data the author draws a picture of the Brussels Palm Sunday procession in the 16th century. Ghysbrecht Mercx, one of the well-known rhetoricians of …

2001/4 Summaries

H. BOONE De Polka Summary : The Polka In this contribution Hubert Boone especially emphasizes the cultural- historical and the musical-technical aspects of the polka, a dance enthusiastically welcomed in Western Europe in the middle of the 19the century. The author discusses the origin of the polka and holds Rudolf Voss’s view in that the polka was not a new …

2001/3 Summaries

B. BOUCIQUE De drakendoder en zijn trouwe dieren (AT 300) in de Vlaamse en internationale sprookjestraditie Summary : The dragon killer and his faithful animals (AT 300) in The Flemish and international tradition of fairy tales. This article is the summury of some research on the 16 Flemish variants of the fairy tale type ‘The dragonslayer” (AT 300). Conclusions about …

2001/2 Summaries

E. ROOBAERT Brusselse bedevaarders en hun bedevaarten in de 16e eeuw Summary : Brussels pilgrims and their pilgrimages in the sixteenth century. Starting from a thorough examination of the archives (National Public Record Office in Brussels, Church archives of the province of Brabant, Archives of the chapter church of St. Michael and St. Gudula, Archives of the Public Centre for …

2001/1 Summaries

A.K.L. THIJS De Antwerpse Ommegang in 1599 Summary : The Antwerp “Ommegang” in 1599 On the basis of the acquittances of the Antwerp audit office, the author tries to reconstruct part of the Whitsun Ommegang (a historic and aristocratic pageant) of June 6th 1599. An earlier hypothesis put forward by C. Leo Truyens (1884-1970) who thought that the Archdukes’ lacework …

2000/4 Summaries

  B. DE CREMER Volksgeneeskunde nu: een evaluatie van alternatieve geneeswijzen als volwaardige aanvulling of tegenhanger van reguliere geneeskunde Summary : In 1996-1997 the study group “Popular Medicine” of Leuven University, developed and distributed inquiry forms in order to investigate the medical consumption, based on 100 inquiry forms related to the village of Wilsele in Flemish Brabant, the author tries …

2000/3 Summaries

D. CALLEWAERT Overlijden en afscheid in het Brugse 1900-2000 Summary : In ‘Dying and Commemoratings in the Environs of Bruges 1900-2000‘ special attention is paid to one suburb because in Sint-Kruis several classed ended up on the same place, though in a different way. The local population has been buried on its churchyard(s) but the upper class of the city …

2000/2 Summaries

A.K.L. THIJS Private en openbare feesten: communicatie, educatie en omgaan met macht (Vlaanderen en Brabant, 16de, midden 19de eeuw) Summary : private and public festivities. Communication, education and coping with power (Flanders and Brabant, 16th till mid 19th cent) Festivities perform within an extensive communication process. Individuals and groups are given the possibility to pass on all sorts of information. …

2000/1 Summaries

J. GANSEMANS, Frans Olbrechts – Een hart en een visie voor Tervuren Summary : Frans Olbrechts. A renewing role in the Tervuren museum From 1947 until his death in 1958 Olbrechts also held the directorship of the Museum van Belgisch Congo (Belgian Congo Museum) in Tervuren. Dr. Gansemans dwells upon his inspiring and renewing role in the Tervuren museum. . …