A. VAN DER ZEIJDEN Traditie en Folklore: pleidooi voor een herwaardering en een nieuw leven van twee oude begrippen Summary: Tradition and folklore. A plea for a revaluation and a new life of two old concepts Tradition and folklore are concepts preferably avoided by serious scientists. These concepts are too much emotionally charged with the old prejudices about the supposed …
2004/3 Summaries
C. DE STAELEN Een venster op de materiële leefwereld van Elisabeth Moretus Summary: A view on the material culture of Elisabeth Moretus Based upon an inventory the material culture in the house ‘De Grote Lynde’ is explained and explored. The description is complemented by a housekeeping journal written by the occupant, Elisabeth Moretus in the years 1664-1675. Both documents evoke …
2004/2 Summaries
A.K.L. THIJS Recreatie, educatie, devotie en informatie: functies van populaire lectuur (17de – 19de eeuw) Summary: Entertainment, education, devotion, and information: function of popular reading matter (17th – 19th centuries) Popular reading matter was the favourite reading material of ordinary people. Wether or not an author or an editor with his publication aimed at ‘popular’ readers, can often be derived …
2004/1 Summaries
E. ROBAERT Zestiende-eeuwse bedevaarttekens en legpenningen in enkele Brusselse en Brabantse kerken: Jan Noë de vaantjesmaker van Halle Summary: 16th century pilgrims tokens and medals in some Brussels and Brabant churches. Jan Noë, the flag producer from Hale (a town in Brabant). Pilgrims’ tokens and medals were large-scale productions, sold by specialised stallholders and other 16th century salesmen. Jan Noë …