A. DHOEST Eén Vlaanderen? Culturele diversiteit op en voor het televisiescherm. Summary: One Flanders? Cultural diversity on and in front of the television screen This article asks two questions; how does Flemish television represent the modern multicultural society in fictional programs and how do autochthon and immigrant viewers feel towards it? A short overview of the current Flemish fictional offer …
2008/2 Summaries
A.K.L. THIJS La Germanistique mène à tout…”. Frans M. Olbrechts (1899 – 1958). In het wereldje van volkskundigen en etnologen Summary: Frans M. Olbrechts (1899-1958) in the small World of folklorists and ethnologists Frans Olbrechts started his career as a folklorist with a thorough study of Flemish incantations. But he is best-known as an expert of African art and American …
2008/1 Summaries
A. VRINTS De codes van de kroeg. Het openbaar lokaal tussen orde en wanorde in Antwerpen (1910-1950) Summary: Codes of the pub. The public room between order and chaos in Antwerp (1910-1950) Since the elite stopped visiting the pub in the early modern era, they started considering pubs and drinking to be a source of ‘chaos’ in all kinds of …