D. CALLEWAERT en M. VAN DEN BERG Volkskundige aspecten van meer dan honderd jaar conscripties en loting (1798-1909) Customs in Flanders Regarding Conscription and Substitution (1798-1909) The French revolutionaries introduced – in France as well as in the occupied territories – a compulsory military service for all young men, regardless of their social class (Law Jourdan, 1798). The adequate number …
2010/3 Summaries
N. BOERMA De 17de-eeuwse Nederlandse kinderprent Summary: The Dutch children’s print of the seventeenth century: comic strip or only a precursor? At the exhibition in Venlo Suske and Wiske the story tellers fl& of phantasy is exposed a print the Life of Klaas and Griet. Klaas is a softie, who is beaten by his wife Griet, who really is a …
2010/2 Summaries
A.K.L. THIJS Verzamelaars en producenten van bedevaartvaantjes (1853-1970). Emotionele omgang met traditioneel religieus erfgoed Summary: Collectors and makers of pilgrimage pennants (1853-1970). An emotional approach to a traditional religious legacy This contribution verifies which meanings have been attributed by historians and folklorists to the medium of pilgrimage pennants and how collectors have tried to influence the production, shaping and distribution …
2010/1 Summaries
.S. TOP De Hellejongen. Een Vlaamse duivelssage als casus The Hell Boy: A Flemish Devil Legend as Case Study Concerning Literacy versus Orality With his epic poem ‘Legend of the Hell Boy’ (1883), the common practitioner Karel de Gheldere (1839-1913) has witten the following fascinating story. An angry step-mother hates her lazy son and wants her husband to hire him …