D. HERREMANS, W. DE CLERCQ De herinnering blijft. Memoria en materiële cultuur in de monastieke ruimte van Clairefontaine (B) Summary: A place to remember. Memoria, material culture and monastic space in the Cistercian nunnery of Clairefontaine (B) The Cistercian nunnery of Clairefontaine was founded in the 13th century by the Counts of Luxembourg. During the 13th and the 14th century …
2012/2 Summaries
W. SCHEIRE Geschiedschrijving van het evidente. Het verhaal van de koelkast Summary: A history of the evident: the Story of the Refrigerator Nowadays a refrigerator figures as an unspectacular and banal dimension in everyday life. In fact, it has been taken for granted by most of us. But since it was introduced in the last century it has affected (post-war) …
2012/1 Summaries
E. VANDEWEGHE Feesten van nostalgie en vooruitgang: de representatie van het stedelijke landschap in Vlaamse provinciesteden 1837-1958 Staging urban history: Festivities and the creation of historical townscapes in Belgium (1860-1958) Parades were an intrinsic part of urban life in Belgium between the middle of the nineteenth and twentieth century. Scholars have used these festivities time and again to probe into …