A. VANNESTE De Belgisch-Nederlandse grens onder spanning Summary: The 2.000-volt Belgian-Dutch frontier (1915-1918) The German Army built a three-wired entanglement in order to cut off occupied Belgium from The (free) Netherlands. The wire, as it was called, was impressive (more than 350 km long, from the Belgian coastline in Knokke up to little short of Aachen) and it was deadly …
2013/2 Summaries
A.M. VAN DER WAL Een pijnlijk verleden, een onzekere toekomst – Levend erfgoed van het slavernijverleden in postapartheid Zuid-Afrika Summary: A painful past, an uncertain future Living heritage of slavery in postapartheid South Africa The year 2013 marks not only the 150th anniversary of the abolition of slavery in the Kingdom of the Netherlands, but also the 10th anniversary …
2013/1 Summaries
D. CALLEWAERT Schriftelijke transcommunicatie: over hemelbrieven en tekstamuletten Summary: Transcommunication in writing: the heavenly letter In revealed religions transcendental communication by means of a heavenly letter used to be a marginal modus operandi. A letter from heaven is quite distinct from the (well-known) votum scriptum which the faithful commonly send to heaven. An apocryphal Sunday Epistle fell from heaven in …