JURIJN NEYRINCK, Van Onvoltooid Verleden naar Onvoltooide Toekomstige Tijden – Omgaan met immaterieel cultureel erfgoed en diversiteit in een wereld van verandering Summary: From Past Continuous to Continuous Future Tenses Dealing with Intangible Cultural Heritage and Diversity in a Changing World The introductory essay to this theme issue of Volkskunde on intangible cultural heritage (ICH) and diversity, provides a brief …
2015/2 Summaries
B. DENIS, Home, sweet home?! Publiek en privaat onder de loep in negentiende-eeuws Antwerpen (1880) Summary: Home, sweet Home?! The Public and Private Element in Domestic Culture (Antwerp, 1880) Contrary to the strong Anglo-Saxon tradition that predominantly draws on normative sources to study the middle class home and domestic culture, the focus is here on a broader socio-professional group. Based …
2015/1 Summaries
K. DE LEEUW, Hoebloot (niet) bedekt werd Summary:Roman catholic Repression of immoral Ways of Clothing (Tilburg, 1914-1970) In 1914 Pius X and the Roman Catholic Church launched an attack against modern women’s indecent clothing: short sleeves and skirts, low necklines, trousers, transparent or fleshcolored fabrics, etc. Modern fashion was considered to lead to improper sexual relations, to handicap a mother’s …