K. DE GRAEVE, Adoptiefeesten, cultuur, liefdadigheid en gemeenschapsvorming bij Vlaams-Ethische adoptiegezinnen Summary: Adoption feast Culture, Charity and Community Building in Flemish-Ethiopian Adoptive Families Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork and interviews, this article analyses festive gatherings of Flemish parents with children adopted from Ethiopia as sites for community building, charity work and culture work. On the one hand, it reads the festive gatherings …
2016/2 Summaries
AD DE JONG, Museale passie en Europees idealisme – De jonge jaren van het Verbond van Europese Openluchtmusea 1966-1972 Summary: A Passion for Museums and for Europe – The early years of the Association of European Open-Air Museums (1966–1972) Anyone who frequently attends the conferences of the Association of European Open-Air Museums (AEOM) will eventually begin to wonder how this …
2016/1 Summaries
KARLA VANRAEPENBUSCH en ANNE-MIE HAVERMANS, Omgaan met het erfgoed van de vijand – Duitse WO1-monumenten op stedelijke begraafplaatsen in bezet België Summary: Dealing with the heritage of the enemy – German First World War monuments on city cemeteries in occupied Belgium During the First World War the Germans commemorated their fallen soldiers with monuments in the communal cemeteries in the …